Perfect mold, perfect trend
Perfect wound to rub salt in
Perfect world, perfect day
Perfect ideal, or so they
Body mold, ‘flawless bliss’
Cut the person, make them fit
Force the latch, close the doors
the pain, carry the chores
Locked away, acid rain
Perfect queen, perfect pain
Wrestle with it, shut it out
Keep it close to whisper doubt
Perfect mind job, perfect toy
Perfect thing for you to destroy
Perfect recluse, perfect shut in
Perfect thing
to step on again
...isn’t she just perfect?
Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll
"I need help man..."-Jimi Hendrix's last words.
Jimi died from crack cocaine.
He snorted too much and it killed his brain.
Music never was quite the same,
Jimi died from crack cocaine.
Janis died from more of the same.
Heroin fucked up her brilliant brain.
Women musicians were never the same.
When Janis went too far to numb her pain.
Morrison died from too much booze.
Such a sad day, what a life to lose.
No one looked at Doors quite the same.
When Jim Morrison boozed up his brain.
John was killed by a crazed fan.
He always spoke out for the freedom of man.
His voice will never again be heard.
And either will his fearless words.
Kurt blew his mind up with a shotgun.
He was supposed to be the anti-rockstar
But he was one.
Teenage angst
was never quite the same.
When Kurt Cobain blew out his brain.
"If I were dead, would my records sell?"-Jimi Hendrix
We are the children
Raised without hope
We are the children
Using drugs to cope
We are the children
We are the children
Told to be robots
We are the children
Addicted to the anti-depressant
We are the
The worlds future we represent
We are the children
Without a single cause
We are the children
down by society's laws
We are the children
Cowering with fright
We are the children
Born without a single right
are the children
Holding in our forbidden dreams
We are the children
Living without goals or dreams
We are the
Forever hiding our pain
We are the children
Taking the adult's blame
We are the children
We are the children
Everything is all we hide
We are the children
Not heard nor seen
We are the children
to be clean
We are the children
Kill off our own souls
We are the children
Not one of us has ever been whole
are the children
Filled with hate
We are the children
Fear is our fate
We watch the days go by
the leaves wither and fall at our feet
We smile and bask in afternoon darkness
And forlornly
await winter heat
A childish game of death absolutes
An innocent fountain of war
A conception of just and fairness
when there's
only an all-nothing score
Comedy for fool of wonder
Tragedy for he who tries
Romance for the adolescent
Irony for he who is wise
An imbalance of scales upon us
A pyramid built on its head?
Twist the kalaeidascope, see for yourself
We'd all
be better off dead
If answers hide in past
and in present questions lie
and future's but a mystery
That we cannot defy
Then this satyrical cycle
This endless strive for gain
well "ashes ashes we'll all fall down"
For all there
is, is pain
The eyes, its said, are open doors
That let me see in, more and more…
If I delve into their crystal
The hate and pain will quickly leap
At me;
Now free,
They show me who you are.
Not the outside, but in,
every sin, now hidden within
Your heart.
I see it all in a glance,
Or, the longer the stare
Even memories will dance
Into my sight…
How contrite.
The dishonest emotion,
Or heartfelt devotion;
before you develop
Even the slightest of notions.
I've seen who you were,
And what you have been;
The blunt realities you mask
With room-brightening grins.
The eyes, they betray,
And take me away,
To places so distant, my mind starts to sway.
They betray good and
the bad,
But more often they show me
Things that are sad
Or scenes that depress,
And as my visions grow larger,
pray to see less…
And less.
In the eyes of new strangers,
Or eyes of close friends,
The truth can be useful;
The means to an end.
good and the bad,
In youth, or the old,
But in your eyes, I see nothing…
To me they are cold.
So you are lost to me now,
And I find myself incomplete somehow,
For what at one time,
Used to be mine;
life bearable,
Made life divine,
Has been snatched away
With only one warning sign.
It's in the eyes you see...
Powerful intensity,
That reveal themselves to me
With overwhelming necessity.
brighter than day,
Now gone far away,
It's in the eyes you see…
The eyes betray.
Time was never enough
Until I wasted it away
And realized that I once had
Every single day
I have spent
-As the leaves fall from the burden
of indiscriminate season rains-
and wandered
-fur striped
with rivers of doubt-
Countless idle moments
in my own electrified perceptions…
remaining unmoved
by the needs of either my own
or the world
-the arrow waits for the bowman-
So I set out to illuminate my downfall
to convince my own disbelief…
-The ink-splotched map, crumbled under its worn way-
…the route with the red arrow defining my escape.
It has grown in my near memory
And I have given voice
To a different world
One that loves me
Since I cannot
“Be thou spent in errant wandering,
The arrow has lost its way;
The dew of morning has dried on the
And the winds have burned them away.” said the toad in the puddle.
“Between the sky there is an orchard;
The Orchard of Wandering Way.
Be silent in autumn and listen close
As the bowman prepares the prey.” said the toad in the puddle.
-what he says hardly ever makes sense-
Believing this new world was real
Has led my valiant thoughts away
Their armor no longer catches light
Their steeds have worn their hooves away
I am still here
The sky is bent beneath its weight
The whole world has changed
And yet…
I have not escaped.
I can’t see all you feed me
I can’t see all you tell me
I am blinded by your message
I can’t
eat all you show me
I can’t take all you aren’t
What am I to feel when you lead me on a path that has no answers
just more contradictions and hypocrisy
more contradictions and hypocrisies
I can’t eat all you show me
I can’t take all you aren’t
As a kid you scolded me for asking
and said it was so because you are.
You said I have to hate those that aren’t
like me
and that our religion
and way of government is the only right one.
I can’t see all you feed me
I can’t see all you tell me
I am blinded by your message
I can’t
eat all you show me
I can’t take all you aren’t
As a kid you told all of us the same story
and now we all believe we are all right
and we are just because we
but it makes us all wrong brothers and sisters
it makes us all wrong.
We can’t eat all you show us
We can’t take all you aren’t
You lie to yourself because your world is crumbling
and you know the truths the hypocrisies of your beliefs
business your feces
You lie to your kids
and tell them to lie by teaching
the example of deceit
in your life
in your beds
you liar, you lie, lie, lie
They can’t see all you feed them
They can’t see all you tell them
They are blinded by your message
They can’t eat all you show them
They can’t take all you aren’t
What’s that mommy
what’s that daddy
Don’t tell mommy
don’t tell daddy
the corruptor
you're the parent
you're the politician
you're the corporate pig
you're the religious guides
of religiosity
We can’t eat all you show us
We can’t take all you aren’t
You are the fornicator of our young minds.
You the pedophile
you - with the religious superiority
you pretending
to save the third world from debt
you suiciding everyone
you striking out at terrorism
you teaching young minds
to hate
to hate with the killer instinct to betray ourselves
You teach us to betray ourselves
You teach us to betray
Teach, betray
Well we can see all you feed us
We can read all you tell us
We are illuminated to your message
We will destroy
all you show us
And we will take all you aren’t and break it down
For we are illuminated to your lies
we are illuminated to your agenda
we will find you
we will extinguish
you with the power
The power of inside brought outside
the almighty power of our LOVE
For we are illuminated to our LOVE
you don’t possess it and never will
for it is free
free as the souls
of our existences
We will destroy all that you show us
We will take all you aren’t and break it down
We can see how to free
our spirits from the bondage of your greed
your bondage of domain
For we are the freedom
the fighters for love
we will destroy all that is evil
we see the light
we see
what is ill
So we will kill with love
the evil of you that exists in me
with love
with love
with love
we will
kill with love
the evil of you
that exists in me
with love
you reap what you sow
you reap what you sow,
so you plant the seed
of defeat in your soul,
so you'll never succeed,
you don't want to feel
like the others do,
you want to be different,
you want to be you.
Piece of Paper
Life is like a crumbled piece of paper.
If you try to straighten it out,
there will always be some thing wrong
with it.
For life will never be perfect.
There is always problems where ever you go.
You can’t get rid of
And each day you get ten billion more.
You can try to run away from them,
but trust me you can’t.
This world has tought me many things,
but this world has tought me nothing.
Life is like a crumbled piece of paper.
If you try to straighten it out,
there is always some thing wrong with it.
In Such Light
In Such Light Without A Name.
Mankinds Heart Is Bound With Shame.
In Such Light Without Protection.
I Can Feel It, The Strong Connection.
In Such Light Without The Sight.
He Has It All But The Might.
In Such
Light Art Thou Renowned.
In Such Light That Cannot Be Found.
yell at me
Yell at me I like it
Bring me down its okay
Degrade me cuz I'm not worth it
Make me feel like shit cuz I
was happy
You do all these things and demand respect
Respect is earned not given
If you want my respect then give
me some
But you don't
And you never will
So keep on yelling
Go ahead
I like it
Didn't you know that
Feeling worthless is normal right
Being brought down is normal
Its all just fun and games
So yell at me more
Make me feel wrong
Let me feel inhumane
Keep misery and wrothlessness in my life
After all your my
Its your job to meak me feel like this
So thanks
Thanks for nothing
But keep on yelling
Yell some
Its not my fault you couldn't use a condom
But thanks mom and dad
Thanks so much
Empty Flame
So lost and discarded
Like the story of Eden
Buried like an angel
Hiding under wings
And resting in peace
Nearly forgotten
Under the starry sky
The fires of cities
And the moon blood red
Numbering corpses
The barcode of life
Imprinted on souls
And torturing those
Beneath weighing scales
Forging identity
And greeting with arms
Like the darkest night
But even the stars
Fade unto day
hide from the light
Tarnished and polished
Again and again
Pretending to believe
In a makeshift faith
For the tree may grow
But one day will stop
And begin to die
falling into The End
Falling in line- Never was my thing
Falling short- Of everything
Falling down- Wasting away
Falling faster-
Every day
Falling under- My white cape
Falling back- To my escape
Falling up- Because what is real?
asleep- At the wheel...
Falling for- The pain to stop
Falling off- My mountaintop
Falling rain- Stains my face
Falling away- To another place
Falling apart- For, oh, so long
Falling in love- But now you’re gone
behind- It’s just as well
Falling always- Who can tell?
Falling free- Flying high
Fallen angels- From the
Falling snow- Tickles my head
Falling feathers- Embers dead
Falling now- No turning back
Falling, fading-
Into black.
Autumn Rain.
Burning leaves.
Fall to the ground.
Black Umbrella's.
Held up high.
Shiny black asphalt.
with Autumn.
Pretty puddles.
Reflect the bleeding sky.
Wind blowing,
Trees of fire
Ashes fall at your
It rains in October
So perfectly.
The hate grows inside me,
The love fades away.
My life drains from me,
Unlike yesterday.
The sickness fills inside,
The health seems to go.
I have nothing more,
There's nothing here the show.
Sometimes I like to wonder,
How things used to be,
I am so lifeless,
Theres nothing left so see.
we all get one life (what are you going to do with it?)
whine whine whine
go ahead and do it
complain about how hard it is
to live here and now
find so many
insubstantial things
to bitch about
when you still have someone else
putting food on your table
clothes on your back
and a
over your head
i'm tired of you
taking for granted
not just the material things
but everything
that flows around you
if you can't hear
sweet music
humming through the air
go ahead
cover your ears
if you refuse
to taste refreshment
within the fruit of the earth
go ahead
be bland
if you don't see
the beauty
all around you
go ahead
your eyes
if you won't feel
caressing your soul
go ahead
cocoon yourself
if you can't speak
of exquisiteness
coloring the sky
shut your mouth
if you
don't have
within you
the desire to survive
stop doing so